DOTS Geometry
No Matches
IntersectionHit3D< T > Struct Template Reference

The return type of raycasts within spatial data structures like Ball* Trees etc. It holds the hit points and a copy to the collision shape. More...


struct  RayComparer
 A sorter, for returning the collision shapes ordered by closeness to the origin to the raycast. More...

Public Attributes

 Reference to the bounding volume - the "collider" - that was hit.
FixedList32Bytes< float3 > hitPoints
 Positions where the bounding volume was hit (at most 2)

Detailed Description

The return type of raycasts within spatial data structures like Ball* Trees etc. It holds the hit points and a copy to the collision shape.

Template Parameters
Type Constraints
T :unmanaged 
T :IBoundingVolume