Classes | |
class | AHeap |
class | AlgoUtil |
class | APriorityQueue |
struct | AttributeMap |
struct | BallStarNode2D |
struct | BallStarNode3D |
class | BinaryHeap |
Binary heap, using an array implementation. More... | |
class | BoundsExtension |
struct | Capsule |
class | CardinalPlaneExtensions |
class | ColorExtension |
struct | Cone |
class | Constants |
struct | Cylinder |
class | DBSCAN |
struct | DCEL |
class | Delaunay2D |
class | Delaunay2DJobs |
struct | DistanceSortingIndex |
A common data structure, used to identify the references again after sorting by distance (the element identified by the index) More... | |
struct | DistanceSortingIndexComparer |
struct | FaceRecord |
class | Float2Extension |
class | Float3Extension |
class | GeometricStructureVisualizationUtility |
Utility class for creating meshes from internal geometric data structures. More... | |
class | GradientExtension |
class | GraphFunctionIntersections |
struct | GraphVertex |
struct | HalfEdge |
A useful edge data structure, that can be used to build polygons, maps, diagrams etc. More... | |
class | HullAlgorithmJobs |
class | HullAlgorithms |
interface | IBalancedSearchTree |
interface | IBalancedSearchTreeNode |
interface | IBinaryPersistable |
interface | IBoundingArea |
Interface for a bounding area in 2D space. More... | |
interface | IBoundingBox |
A generic interface that structures should implement for use in R* Trees etc. More... | |
interface | IBoundingCircle |
A generic interface that structures should implement for use in Ball* Trees etc. More... | |
interface | IBoundingRect |
A generic interface that structures should implement for use in R* Trees etc. More... | |
interface | IBoundingSphere |
A generic interface that structures should implement for use in Ball* Trees etc. More... | |
interface | IBoundingVolume |
Interface for a bounding volume in 3D space. More... | |
interface | IGraphFunction |
interface | IIdentifiable |
struct | IntersectionHit2D |
The return type of raycasts within spatial data structures like Ball* Trees etc. It holds the hit points and a copy to the collision shape. More... | |
struct | IntersectionHit3D |
The return type of raycasts within spatial data structures like Ball* Trees etc. It holds the hit points and a copy to the collision shape. More... | |
class | IntersectionMeshUtil |
A utility for creating meshes from intersections between shapes. More... | |
interface | IOctree |
Generic interface for different types of octrees (sparse, dense, etc.) to exchange data structures within Jobs. More... | |
interface | IPosition2D |
interface | IPosition3D |
interface | IQuadtree |
Generic interface for different types of quadtrees (sparse, dense, etc.) to exchange data structures within Jobs. More... | |
interface | ISavable |
class | JobAllocations |
A helper class for storing native memory allocations that happen for example inside a method call that creates jobs. The caller of the method is required to call Dispose() at an appropiate time (based on the Allocator Type) More... | |
struct | Line2D |
struct | Line3D |
class | LineIntersection |
class | LineIntersectionJobs |
class | LineRendererExtensions |
struct | LineSegment2D |
A simple struct representing a segment of a 2D Line. GPU: GGGShapes. More... | |
struct | LineSegment3D |
A simple struct representing a segment of a 3D line. More... | |
class | MapOverlay |
class | MapOverlayJobs |
class | MathUtil |
class | MathUtilDOTS |
struct | Matrix3x3 |
3x3 matrix used in this asset for manipulating position, rotation and scale of 2D Vectors i.e. as a 2D Transformation Matrix More... | |
class | MeshSlicing |
class | MeshSlicingJobs |
class | MeshUtil |
class | MeshUVUtil |
struct | Native2DBallStarTree |
A spatial data structure for circles in 2D space. The leaves of the tree are holding up to maxChildren elements. More... | |
struct | Native2DKDTree |
A spatial data structure for quick point queries - the input points can be in 3D space, but are sorted in 2D space (along a plane of your choosing) More... | |
struct | Native2DRStarTree |
A spatial data structure for rectangles in 2D space. The leaves of the tree are holding up to maxChildren elements. More... | |
struct | Native3DBallStarTree |
A spatial data structure for spheres in 3D space. The leaves of the tree are holding up to maxChildren elements. More... | |
struct | Native3DKDTree |
A spatial data structure for quick point queries in 3D space. Note: Default sorting order is X, then Y, then Z. More... | |
struct | Native3DRStarTree |
class | NativeArrayExtensions |
struct | NativeAVLTree |
Implementation of an AVL Tree to be used in Unity's Job System. More... | |
struct | NativeDenseOctree |
A spatial data structure for quick point queries suited for moving or concentrated positions in 3D space. The dense variant uses much, much more memory in 3D, but is slightly faster for insertions and removals than the sparse variant. More... | |
struct | NativeDenseQuadtree |
A spatial data structure for quick point queries suited for moving or concentrated positions in 2D space. The dense variant uses much more memory, but is slightly faster for insertions and removals than the sparse variant. More... | |
struct | NativeGraph |
A directional graph represenation using an adjacency list for use with the Unity Job System. Each vertex can store a pointer (int). It is up to the user to connect vertices and data. More... | |
class | NativeListExtension |
class | NativeParallelHashMapExtension |
class | NativeParallelHashSetExtension |
class | NativeParallelMultiHashMapJobs |
struct | NativePolygon2D |
A 2D polygon, that can be used within Unitys Job System. Supports holes, and is the basis for many advanced geometry algorithms. More... | |
struct | NativePolygon2DSampler |
A helper class to sample points, taking a polygon as the distribution source Internally, a "texture" is created to achieve this. Therefore the quality of the randomness depends on the choosen x- and y-Resolution. Lower values -> less memory but generated points are visibly in discrete spaces apart Higher values -> more memory but appears random. More... | |
struct | NativePriorityQueue |
Native Array implementation of a priority queue (based on a binary heap). More... | |
struct | NativeRBTree |
Implementation of a Red-Black Tree to be used in Unity's Job System. More... | |
class | NativeReferenceExtension |
class | NativeSearchExtension |
class | NativeSelection |
struct | NativeSortedList |
A list that always keeps itself sorted based on a provided comparer (skip list) More... | |
class | NativeSorting |
struct | NativeSparseOctree |
struct | NativeSparseQuadtree |
A spatial data structure for quick point queries suited for moving or concentrated positions in 2D space. The sparse variant uses less memory, but is slightly slower for insertions and removals than the dense variant. More... | |
struct | NativeTriangle2D |
struct | NativeTriangle3D |
class | ObjUtil |
struct | OctreeNode |
struct | Parabola |
Parameters of a parabola function. More... | |
class | Polygon2DGeneration |
class | Polygon2DPointLocation |
class | Polygon2DPointLocationJobs |
class | Polygon2DTriangulation |
class | Polygon2DTriangulationJobs |
struct | Position2D |
A 2D Point that can be used within generic spatial data structures like KD-Trees etc. More... | |
struct | Position3D |
A 3D Point that can be used within generic spatial data structures like KD-Trees etc. More... | |
class | PositionFilterJobs |
struct | PositionWithIndex2D |
A 2D Point with index information that can be used within generic spatial data structures like KD-Trees etc. More... | |
struct | PositionWithIndex3D |
A 3D Point with index information that can be used within generic spatial data structures like KD-Trees etc. More... | |
class | PriorityQueue |
Managed implementation of a priority queue (based on a binary heap) More... | |
struct | QuadtreeNode |
class | RandomUtil |
class | RectExtensions |
struct | RStarNode2D |
struct | RStarNode3D |
class | ShapeIntersection |
class | ShapeLocation |
class | ShapeOverlap |
class | SpecialQuery |
class | SpecialQueryJobs |
class | StatisticsUtil |
struct | Tetrahedron |
struct | Torus |
class | UnsafeListExtension |
class | Vector2Extension |
class | Vector3Extension |
class | VectorUtil |
class | Voronoi2D |
class | Voronoi2DJobs |
Enumerations | |
enum | CardinalPlane { XY = 0 , XZ = 1 , ZY = 2 } |
Describes a plane along a cardinal axis. E.g. if the cardinal axis is Y, the cardinal plane is XZ. | |
enum | DegeneracyHandling : byte { SAFE = 0 , UNSAFE = 1 } |
Determines how degeneracies are handled in this pacakge. More... | |
enum | DistanceMetric { EUCLIDEAN = 0 , MANHATTEN = 1 } |
Metric used for measuring distances between two positions in a space. | |
enum | Polygon2DSampleMethod { EVENLY = 0 , DISTANCE_FIELD = 1 } |
enum | SafetyChecks : byte { STRICT = 0 , LENIENT = 1 } |
Determines how many safety checks / input checks are performed. More... | |
enum | TreeTraversal { PREORDER , POSTORDER , INORDER } |
Wiki/> | |
enum DegeneracyHandling : byte |
Determines how degeneracies are handled in this pacakge.
Safe -> Each degeneracy is handled appropiately Unsafe -> Some degenerate cases are not checked for additional performance
More information can be found in the manual!
enum SafetyChecks : byte |
Determines how many safety checks / input checks are performed.
Strict -> Many safety checks are performed, including ones that are expensive (loops) Lenient -> Expensive safety checks are removed
More information in the manual!