Gimme Instanced Health Bars

Gimme Instanced Health Bars is the ideal solution for all games that have a lot of health bars on the screen simultaneously (e.g. Tower-Defense, Strategy, etc.). It replaces slow UI with a custom health bar shader, capable of handling thousands and thousands of instances with ease, with minimal strain on the CPU.

Technical Requirements:
Supports all Render Pipelines (URP, HDRP, Built-in, custom RP)
Editor Undo Support (Custom Inspectors are made with UI Elements)
Requires Unity Version 2022.3 LTS or newer! (because of List Pools and UI Elements Features)
  • Burst 1.8.7 or above
  • Collections 2.1.4 or above
  • Mathematics 1.2.6 or above
  • Splines 2.2.1 or above (but only for the demo scene)