Data Structures

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Data Structures

For some of the more advanced algorithms, some advanced data structures which are useful in general for many occasions are implemented, so that they can be used with the Job System. Specifically:

  • Native Priority Queue
  • Native Sorted list
  • Native AVL Tree
  • and a Native Red-Black Tree

All data structures for sorting require a Comparer (e.g. ascending, descending etc.). You can write your own one, or you can use the default ones! For example:

NativePriorityQueue<int, DefaultComparer<int>>(default, Allocator.TempJob);
NativeSortedList<float, DefaultComparer<float>>(default, Allocator.TempJob);

The default comparer tries to sort the values in ascending order.

In addition to the data structures mentioned here, there are also helper structures for various geometric objects, like lines, triangles, tetrahedra, etc.

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