DOTS Geometry
No Matches
Voronoi2D Member List

This is the complete list of members for Voronoi2D, including all inherited members.

CalculateVoronoi(Rect bounds, NativeArray< float2 > points, ref NativeArray< NativePolygon2D > polygons, ref NativeArray< int > polygonSites, out JobAllocations allocations, Allocator allocator=Allocator.TempJob, float epsilon0=10e-8f, float epsilon1=10e-6f, JobHandle dependsOn=default)Voronoi2Dstatic
CalculateVoronoi(NativeArray< float2 > points, ref NativeArray< NativePolygon2D > polygons, ref NativeArray< int > polygonSites, out JobAllocations allocations, Allocator allocator=Allocator.TempJob, float addedMargin=1.0f, float epsilon0=10e-8f, float epsilon1=10e-6f, JobHandle dependsOn=default)Voronoi2Dstatic
CalculateVoronoiLookupTable(int2 dimension, Rect bounds, NativeArray< float2 > points, ref NativeArray< int > table, out JobAllocations allocations, Allocator allocator=Allocator.TempJob, JobHandle dependsOn=default)Voronoi2Dstatic
CalculateVoronoiLookupTable(int2 dimension, NativeArray< float2 > points, ref NativeArray< int > table, out JobAllocations allocations, Allocator allocator=Allocator.TempJob, float addedMargin=1.0f, JobHandle dependsOn=default)Voronoi2Dstatic
CalculateVoronoiLookupTableIndex(int2 dimension, Rect bounds, float2 position)Voronoi2Dstatic