This is the complete list of members for ShapeIntersection, including all inherited members.
LineIntersection(Line2D l0, Line2D l1, out float2 intersection, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineIntersection(Line3D l0, Line3D l1, out float3 intersection, float mergeDistance=10e-5f, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineLineSegmentIntersection(Line2D l0, LineSegment2D l1, out float2 intersection, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineRectangleIntersections(Line2D line, Rect rect, out float2 intersection0, out float2 intersection1, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineSegmentCircleIntersections(LineSegment2D line, float2 center, float radiusSq, out float2 intersection0, out float2 intersection1, out bool inside) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineSegmentCuboidIntersections(LineSegment3D line, Bounds bounds, out float3 intersection0, out float3 intersection1, out bool inside, float epsilon=10e-7f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineSegmentIntersection(LineSegment2D s0, LineSegment2D s1, out float2 intersection) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineSegmentRectangleIntersections(LineSegment2D line, Rect rect, out float2 intersection0, out float2 intersection1, out bool inside, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineSegmentSphereIntersections(LineSegment3D line, float3 center, float radiusSq, out float3 intersection0, out float3 intersection1, out bool inside) | ShapeIntersection | static |
LineSegmentTriangleIntersection(LineSegment3D ls, NativeTriangle3D triangle, out float3 intersection, float epsilon=10e-7f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
PlaneCuboidIntersections(Plane p0, Bounds bounds, float epsilon=10e-7f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
PlaneIntersection(Plane p0, Plane p1, out Line3D intersectionLine, float mergeDistance=10e-5f, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
PlaneLineIntersection(Plane p0, Line3D l0, out float3 intersection, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |
PlaneLineSegmentIntersection(Plane p0, LineSegment3D l0, out float3 intersection, float epsilon=10e-5f) | ShapeIntersection | static |